Monday, March 17, 2008

Howard Dean reaches out to Larry Sinclair for help

I didn't know things were this bad for the Democrats but...

Mr. Sinclair recently posted this on his blog


Dear Larry,

A year ago, no one would have guessed our party’s primary season would still be going this strong. But that’s not the only surprise of this election season.

Democrats are voting in larger numbers than anyone expected, and this record turnout shows incredible promise for the general election ahead of us.

But we also have a problem. John McCain has already sewn up the Republican nomination, and he’s free to raise money and campaign all across the country.

The past few days, he’s taken his campaign on a world tour at taxpayer expense. This weekend, he made a “surprise” stop in Iraq, trying to re-frame five years of steadfast support for George Bush’s war with photo ops and press releases.

We can’t afford to wait for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to win the Democratic nomination — they’re focused on winning the nomination while John McCain is focused on winning the White House. We are the only organization that can look beyond the primaries and lay the groundwork for Hillary or Barack to inherit if they win. They can’t run against John McCain yet, but we can do it for them.

I need you to make a donation now so that we can continue our campaign against John McCain. Hillary or Barack will need the infrastructure in place as soon as they’re nominated:
Larry Sinclair comes clean about his crimial record. Read about it in the latest update.


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